Key Features And Benefits Of eCampus


eCampus is a simple-to-use platform that comes with very effective and impactive key features designed to fulfil the idea of making online learning more fun and interactive. These are some of the Key Features of eCampus which comes free with every registration…

  • Read notes and e-book
  • Listen to pod cast and audio book
  • Watch videos on lessons and solving past question
  • Practice with sample and past questions using test engine
  • Discuss to learn from expects and teach to other
  • Up-vote and Down-vote comments and content
  • Calendar for events and activity management
  • Paper trial or history of recent topics learn
  • Announcements to keep you on track with your learning plan
  • Flexible user profile management
  • Performance based point earning for cumulative assessment
  • Push notification


Some Of The Benefits Includes…

  • Learn at your own pace
  • Increase your retention by 95%
  • Improve your test scores by 95%
  • Plan your studies
  • Take your classroom with you everywhere you go
  • Win prizes with points earned whiles learning
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