At eCampus, we reduce the time from learning to employment by bringing the classroom to the student. eCampus is built on a cloud and mobile technology interface. eCampus proposes to significantly increase a student’s recall and retention to up to 95% compare to traditional learning methods that do not deliver recall and retention rates above 50%, using the unique eCampus learning equation (Frequency + Recency = Fluency).

1. eCampus ensures pre-classroom training. Learners can acquire basic knowledge of a subject before they participate in the classroom training session. This makes it easy to understand the subject better in the classroom.
2. eCampus reinforces classroom training. Often it is not possible to retain effectively what is learnt in a classroom over a period of time. This problem can be overcome using eCampus. Points earning system on eCampus makes it possible for learners to practice with the app on a subject difficult to retain. Subsequent practice with points recorded makes learners easily reinforce their classroom training.
3. eCampus accesses learners knowledge. A good way to access the learner’s knowledge after he completes the classroom training is by conducting an online assessment. eCampus allows you to track your performance as well by monitoring your points earned on eCampus. Points earned connote learner’s understanding of the course taught in the classroom.
4. eCampus makes learning interesting. Getting bored by learning and feeling lazy to learn by textbooks will be a thing of the past when you get started on eCampus. You can learn anywhere, you don’t need to carry books around, eCampus is accessible on phones or computers. Pick up your phone, download eCampus and start learning the fun way.
5. eCampus ensures “multi-learning”. Learn subjects with ease on eCampus. Courses taught in the classroom from JHS, SHS and University are all available on eCampus. Why stress yourself out on what to learn. Just download eCampus now and start multi- learning.