
eCampus News
ecampus the sharks quiz

eCampus is putting The Sharks Quiz in your palm

Season 2 of The Sharks Quiz is here. Hurray!!! But wait a second. How do you get access to Season 1 quiz questions? How can participant of Season 2 get to have a feel...

The Agile in Africa Conference: eCampus exhibits its amazing Learning Technology

The just ended Agile In Africa Conference organised by Akaditi which is an Agility service technology and events company based in London and Accra saw companies like eCampus on exhibition stands. As an organisation that...

Some Remarkable Events Through The eCampus Journey

KNUST College of Sciences adopts eCampus in 2009   The UNDP and the Ghana Multimedia Incubator Centre financed the deployment of eCampus for KNUST College of Sciences as part of the Pre-Incubator project to identify and...

Showcase of eCampus At Y Dialogue

eCampus is a self-paced education platform for anyone who wants to learn and prepare for Mathematics examinations at the JHS, SHS and Tertiary levels. The main idea with eCampus is that learning is student...
eCampus version 3.0 released

eCampus Version 3.0 Released

Over the years we have strived to help students and professionals improve their academic score and professional points respectively using the approach: read, listen, watch, practise and discuss. We have had students follow courses relevant...

eCampus at CEANA Annual Convention in the U.S

The Council of Ewe Associations of North American (CEANA) is an umbrella organization of all EWE association in North America aiming of unifying EWEs in North America to promote socio-economic development in Ghana. Each year...

More Amazing Moments Through The eCampus Journey

eCampus App Team (Meet the eCampus App Developers) Wondering who actually wrote the eCampus App codes? Meet Thomas, Saeed and Fitzgerald. The best developer team ever! The eCampus App developer team joined eCampus in March 2015,...

eCampus Voted Top 10 Startup.

eCampus have been voted one of the top 10 startups to pitch at the Global Startup Expo in Rome, Italy. The Global Startup Expo is the first on-line fair in the world dedicated to Startups....

The eCampus Journey

There is a popular saying "a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step". That one single first step of eCampus' journey was taken in September 2005, it was the first time...

Ghana StarUp Awards 2016 – eCampus LLC wins Education StartUp Award 2016!!!

The Start-Up Network supports the consistent growth of startups through the provision of authentic information on startup and business resources, support service providers, events and programs, investors and funding agencies and needed support system....